Frustrated with Flash Cards?

Fed up with flash cards? I get it I`ve been there too. In this video I talk about how I now use flash cards, which has been much more successful and enjoyable 🙂

I realised on editing that my normal mic was not working hence the fishbowl sound from the webcam mic.

Resources mentioned in this video:

*Anki Flash Cards –

*Colloquial Afrikaans by Bruce Donaldson –

Colloquial Afrikaans is available from a number of different places online including Amazon and prices do vary.

About me.

I love coaching people on fun ways to learn languages and reach their goals. I work with people who`s main goal is to speak a language, and so they don`t want to be bogged down by writing and lots of grammar rules. I also coach English as a foreign language.

Here is how you can get in touch with me.





To download my FREE PDF: 6 Step Plan for Fitting Language Learning into Your Everyday Life, or to book a FREE 30 minute consultation with me to see how I can help you reach your speaking goals, visit this page on my website.

A little bit more about me and FAQs

*How old are you? – 37 (updated 06.01.2017)

*Where do you live? – Near Cambridge, UK

*If you could live anywhere where would you love to live? – Camps Bay, Cape Town, Llandudno, Cape Town or Big Bay, Cape Town. I can`t decide which one!

*Where would you like to travel to next? Namibia, Hawaii, America or Canada

*Do you have any pets? – Unfortunately not because we live in an apartment, but I would love dogs.

*What languages are you learning? – Afrikaans and French but I am considering changing to Spanish.

*Why Afrikaans? – My husband is South African and so we visit his family there yearly. Also I wanted a language that I could use regularly, but really I just love it!

*Why French? – I lived and worked in France at Disneyland Paris, and so I want to keep that part of me alive.

*Why Spanish? I love Spanish music and just feel a draw to the language.

Thanks for watching and reading, your awesome! Xx